Environmental Entrepreneurship
The Biosphere Global Institute has as one of its priorities support and performance projects, actions and initiatives in the environmental entrepreneurship area. The main focus are highlighted towards initiatives to socially sensitive communities of populations located in the outskirts of large Brazilian cities.
The environmental entrepreneurship comprises the use of entrepreneurship tools with a focus on environmental sustainability. The increasingly restrictive character of environmental policies resulted in the expansion and incorporation of this concept in several organizations that begin to realize the importance of sustainability to maintain the brand image in the market.
The Companies that have included the environmental values in their corporate policies tend to achieve a higher valuation in the stock market. Create this market differentiation based on environmental values is part of the objectives of this strategy.
The Role of Biosphere Global Institute
The Biosphere Institute proposes to contribute to the strengthening and expansion of environmental entrepreneurship projects in different regions of Brazil under three approaches:
(1) Training and Capacity Building: The Institute offer refresher courses, training and capacity building for potential managers of micro and small companies in environmental entrepreneurship, through the use of contracted technical services of teachers and specialized instructors, and also through agreements signed with consecrated institutions in this segment;
(2) Advice and support on the construction of micro and small enterprises, including providing technical inputs and guidance on the regulatory and legal compliance relevant to companies operating in the environmental field;
(3) Advice, Technical, operational and administrative maintenance, during the first two years of micro and small enterprises in environmental entrepreneurship activities.
Priority Areas of Interest for Environmental Entrepreneurship
There are numerous opportunities that open in our country for those seeking to launch into the world of entrepreneurship consciously and attentive to social and economic environmental needs. Here are some businesses with good chances of success in the sustainability scenario:
– Treatment and recycling of urban waste, segregated by categories (paper / cardboard, glass, wood, metal and organic waste). Opportunities for the creation of micro and small companies and also cooperatives;
-Landscaping and Gardening: there is a growing demand for companies operating in these segments;
-Waste of civil buildings: it is estimated that about 30% of the material of the buildings are wasted; micro and small businesses can have a good market in this segment;
-Cleaning residential, condominium and industrial: certified companies that use biodegradable and other environmentally friendly products have increasing market opportunities;
-Ecotourism: there are many opportunities for companies intended for tourism, tours or individual visits or groups to green areas or ecological parks;
-Artesian Wells: There are numerous condos demanding opening artesian wells for additional water supply; work to be done in accordance with environmental legislation, with the assistance of a geologist;
-Ecological Cooperative of fruit and vegetables: There are many opportunities for companies that sell organic products free of pesticides;
-Renewable energy: Companies working in the installation of solar panels, and also the replacement of domestic or industrial lighting for energy-saving lamps;
-Microfinance organizations (crowdfunding): “investment seed funds” can be an opportunity for environmental and social entrepreneurs;
-There are several other opportunities available for environmental entrepreneurs in urban and rural Brazilian areas.